Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grandee Cheroki
+ Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Ryadny six-cylinder engine
+ V8 Engine
+ Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ System of electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of gear shifting
- Automatic transmission
   General information
   Diagnostics of malfunctions - the general information
   Removal and installation of the lever of switching
   Check of a condition and adjustment of a cable of switching
   The description, replacement and adjustment of a cable of a drive of a butterfly valve in a mode kik-Down (TV cable)
   Serviceability check, adjustment and replacement of the sensor switch of permission of start
   Adjustment of a cable of a lay blokirator
   Check of a condition and replacement of a support of transmission
   Epiploon replacement
   Design description, removal and installation of lines and hoses of cooling of transmission
   Removal and installation of an additional cooler
   Removal and installation of automatic transmission
   Replacement of the module of management with transmission (TSM) (only for AW-4 and 42RЕ)
   Diagnostics of system of electronic control by automatic transmission
+ Transfer case
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of onboard electric equipment
+ Governing bodies and operation receptions

Design description, removal and installation of lines and hoses of cooling of transmission


Hoses and lines of cooling of transmission are joined by means of sockets of a fast joint. Flanges of okhladitelny lines are used as sealing surfaces. Together with flanges collars of wire type are applied to fastening of lines on the union. The collar is established behind a flange and serves for line fixing.

The typical shtutserny connections used for joining of the okhladitelny line with transmission (at the top of) and for a joint of the line with a hose (below).

Depending on a year of release of model, in okhladitelny lines three types of shtutserny connections (sockets) can be applied:

a. On sockets of the First type access to a fixing clip (collar) is open.

First type of the shtutserny socket of fast joining (all models 1993 and part of models of 1994 вып.).

b. On sockets of the Second type the clip and the case of the union are wrapped up by a taking seat material.

The second type of the shtutserny socket of fast joining (some of models 1994 and model of 1995 вып.).

c. On sockets of the Third type the clip is closed outside of tense on the union case by the metal coupling.

The third type of the shtutserny socket of fast joining (some of models of 1994 вып.).

d. Shtutsernye of connection of the new type used on models of 1995 вып. Are equipped with the built-in lock uvulas.

For undocking of the majority of types of shtutserny connections of a fast joint the special tool is required:

  • On models of 1993 вып. undocking of sockets of the First type needs the tool No. 7555 or its equivalent.
  • On models of 1994 вып. the tool for undocking of sockets of the Second and third types is put on directly tubes of lines. The tool provides clip expansion that allows to disconnect the line from the union. The same tool can be used and for undocking of sockets of the First type which are still used on models of 1994 вып.
  • Sockets of the Second type are used as well on early models of 1995 вып. Their partition is made just as is described in point b).

The sockets of new type applied on models since 1995 вып. application for the undocking do not demand any special tool. They are equipped with the built-in lock uvulas.

Sockets of new type (model since 1995 вып.).

Tubes, hoses and shtutserny connections of lines of cooling of transmission are not subject to repair. The damaged components should be replaced (assembled).

Removal and installation

If unions, hoses or tubes of okhladitelny lines are covered with dirt, greasing or a dust, clear before undocking about application of an obezzhirivatel. The plastic tool for undocking of components will not enter into the socket if the last is filled with extraneous particles.

All sockets, except for sockets of new type


  1. Enter the plastic tool for undocking of shtutserny connection in the socket against the stop into a line flange, then press the tool, at the same time turning it for an otpuskaniye of a fixing clip (collar) and, having pulled, remove the line from the union.
  1. Enter the plastic tool for undocking of shtutserny connection in the socket against the stop it into a line flange, then press the tool and turn it, releasing a fixing clip, and, having pulled for the line, remove it from the union (the socket of the Second type is shown).

Sockets of new type (only for models since 1995 вып.)


  1. For undocking of sockets of new type simply fingers compress together lock uvulas. Pay attention that the union loose leaf after a partition of the socket remains on lines.
  1. For undocking of sockets of new type simply fingers compress together lock uvulas (pay attention that after a socket partition the loose leaf of the union remains on lines).
  1. If the loose leaf of the union is not damaged to remove it from the line unessentially. In case of need loose leaf replacements simply move apart lock uvulas of the socket and remove the loose leaf from the line.
  1. If the loose leaf of the union of the socket of new type is damaged, remove it from the okhladitelny line, having dissolved for this purpose lock uvulas of the socket and replace new.

All sockets


  1. To Zakuporta the open ends of okhladitelny lines in order to avoid hit in dirt transmission.
  2. Examine unions. If the union or a fixing clip of the line are damaged, all socket should is replaced with uniform assembly (in replacement of the metal line if it as need is not present). Before installation of the new union do not forget to grease its carving part with Mopar Lock N hermetic’ Seal, Locktite 242 or their equivalent. If the fixing clip (collar) jammed on a hose is damaged, the hose and a clip should be replaced assembled.
  3. Wipe the union and the hose/line pure dry rags.
  4. Insert the line into the socket and press it before clip click.
  5. For check of reliability of joining try to disconnect a hose (line), having pulled for it.

In all sockets the clips of wire type serving for fastening of the okhladitelny line in the socket are applied. If the clip is will bend or is in any other manner deformed, normal pressure in the line is capable to force out the line, having caused leakages of liquid and, as a result, transmission failure. SURELY in the most thorough way check reliability of fastening of okhladitelny lines of transmission in the stykovochny sockets.

  1. Fill in in transmission liquid of a demanded grade (Head of Control and routine maintenance).
  2. Make trial runs of the car and check on existence of signs of leakages of okhladitelny lines of transmission.