Jeep Grandee Cheroki + Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars + Settings and routine maintenance + Ryadny six-cylinder engine + V8 Engine + Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine + Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning + the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases + System of electric equipment of the engine + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management + Manual box of gear shifting + Automatic transmission + Transfer case - Coupling and transmission line General information Coupling - the general description and check of serviceability of functioning Removal and installation of components of hydraulic system of switching off of coupling Removal, check of a condition and installation of components of coupling Removal, check of a condition and installation of the vyzhimny bearing of coupling Check of a condition and replacement of the directing bearing Driveshafts, differentials and bridges - the general information Check of a condition of the transmission line Removal and installation of driveshafts Replacement of kardanny hinges Replacement of an epiploon of a shaft of a leading gear wheel of differential Removal, service and installation of a nave and bearings (forward wheel) Removal, major maintenance and installation of a forward power shaft Removal and installation of assembly of the forward bridge Removal and installation of a back semi-axis and bearing assembly Removal and installation of assembly of the back bridge + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + System of onboard electric equipment + Governing bodies and operation receptions
Check of a condition and replacement of the directing bearing
The directing bearing of coupling is the bearing of roller type which is pressed in a back pin of a cranked shaft. The main task of the bearing is providing a support of the forward end of primary shaft of a transmission. Check of a condition of the directing bearing should be made each time at removal of components of coupling from the engine. In view of an access zatrudnennost, in case of absence of confidence of definition of a condition of the bearing, replace it without hesitation.
If the engine is removed from the car, it is necessary to lower superfluous of given below procedures. |
- Remove RKPP (Head the Manual box of gear shifting).
- Remove coupling components (The section Removal, check of a condition and installation of components of coupling).
- Check directing bearing on existence of signs of excessive wear, deep scratches, задиров, losses of greasing and other damages. In case of identification of any of the listed defects the bearing should be replaced. At bearing survey useful there will be a small lamp.
- Removal of the bearing possibly by means of a special stripper, however not less effective appears application of an alternative method.
- Find a firm steel core, on diameter slightly it is less than internal diameter of the bearing. Instead of a core it is possible to use wooden whetstone or a replaceable head with inserted into it for cavity filling with a bolt.
- The core should enter into the bearing rather densely.
- Fill the bearing and space behind it (a cavity in an end face of a cranked shaft) dense greasing. Stuffing make as it is possible more densely, expelling from a cavity maximum more air.
- Insert a core into a bearing nest, cover the bearing and a core with rags and start to strike rather strongly on a core with a hammer. Thus greasing will start to force out (force of hydraulic blow) the bearing from a shaft. Remove the bearing and remove all traces of greasing from deepening in a shaft pin.
- Fill deepening behind the bearing dense greasing and having inserted in the bearing a core of the corresponding diameter (densely), start to knock on a core, creating the hydraulic blow which is forcing out the bearing from a pin of a cranked shaft.
- For installation of the new bearing fill its internal surface and slightly grease an external surface with greasing on a lithium basis (bearing greasing), then fill the bearing in deepening in an end face cranked by means of the centering tool or the tool for filling of plugs. The sealing ring should appear turned outside, and the bearing to rise in a nest strictly perpendicularly.
- The structure of the directing bearing includes a sealing ring which is not subject to replacement in an individual order. In case of identification of signs of leaks or bearing drying, replace it. The bearing should be established by a sealing ring outside.
- Begin to knock the bearing in a nest by means of the tool for landing of plugs or the suitable size of a replaceable face head.
- Establish into place components of coupling, RKPP and acting in film details all previously. Correctly tighten all fixture.