Removal and installation of facings of a control panel
Central facing of a control panel
- Remove an ashtray.
- Give six screws and remove the central facing
- Give six screws of fastening of the central facing.
- Installation make upside-down.
Facing of the panel of switches
- Remove the central facing (The section Removal and installation of facing of a combination of devices).
- Open a driver's door for ensuring access and removal of the bottom panel of a covering.
Details of installation of the bottom panel of a covering.
- Remove the bottom panel of a covering of a steering column and protection of knees.
Details of installation of the bottom panel of a covering of a steering column and knee blokirator.
- Give nuts of a steering column and lower the last if in it there is a need.
- Give screws of fastening of facing.
- Disconnect facing of the panel of switches, and delay it so that there was a possibility of a rassoyedineniye of electric sockets. Having disunited sockets remove facing. For ensuring access to the panel of switches overturn facing.
- Overturn panel facing for ensuring access to switches.
- Installation make upside-down.