Check of a condition and replacement of brushes of screen wipers (each 4800 km (3000 miles) run or times in 3 months)
Assemblies of screen wipers with brushes should be checked regularly on existence of damages, weakening of fastening of components, and also cracks and signs of wear of working elements of brushes.
Road film, accumulating on elements, essentially reduces efficiency of purification of glass therefore brushes should be exposed regularly to washing in clearing solution.
At operation of the mechanism of a drive of screen wipers there can be a spontaneous otdavaniye of bolts, nuts and the other fixture which condition in a type of the aforesaid also should be exposed to regular check and, in case of need, - to pulling up, at the same time to check of a condition of brushes.
If working elements of brushes (sometimes called also inserts) are considerably worn-out, deformed or растресканы, it is necessary to replace them new.
- Take away assemblies of levers of screen wipers with brushes from glass.
- On a cleaner of glass of a door of a back of models of early years of release, raise a lock rychazhok and remove brush assembly from a pin on the cleaner lever. Replacement is made all brushes assembled.
- On cleaners of a windscreen and a cleaner of glass of a back of models of late years of release wring out a uvula on the end of a clamp of a brush and remove assembly from the screen wiper lever, having delayed it down and having removed from a hook at an end face of the last.
- Separate an end face of a working element from a frame of assembly of a brush and by means of nippers take two instep supports. Then take from assembly a working element.
- Compare length and a design of new elements to the old.
- Insert a new element into a brush, then enter instep supports.
- Establish assemblies of brushes on levers, moisten glass and check serviceability of functioning of screen wipers.