Rotation of wheels (each 12 000 km (7500 miles) run, or times in 6 months)
Rotation of wheels should be made regularly according to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car and each time at detection of signs of non-uniform wear of protectors.
The preferable order of rotation of wheels is presented on an accompanying illustration.
Scheme of carrying out rotation of wheels.
For definition of the correct operations procedure on a car poddomkrachivaniye in the course of carrying out rotation of its wheels address to Poddomkrachivaniye's Section and towage at the beginning of the Management. If are going to make at the same time check of a condition of brake mechanisms, do not cock the parking brake. In order to avoid an otkatyvaniye of the car track reliability of blocking of wheels (enclose wedges).
It is most preferable to lift over the earth at once all car. It can achieve by use of the winch or car installation on props after a serial poddomkrachivaniye of each of corners. For reliability it is best of all to use floor jacks of telezhechny type. Surely check reliability of fixing of the car in the lifted condition.
After completion of rotation check and modify pressure of a rating of tires and track correctness of effort of a tightening of nuts of fastening of wheels.