Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grandee Cheroki
+ Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars
+ Settings and routine maintenance
- Ryadny six-cylinder engine
   General information
   The repair procedures, which performance it is possible without engine extraction from the car
   Reduction in the provision VMT of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder
   Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of yokes and bars of pushers
   Replacement of klapanny springs, their plates and maslootrazhatelny caps
   Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline / final collector
   Removal and installation of a head of cylinders
   Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
   Condition check, removal and installation of a cover of a distributive chain, chain and its asterisks
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft, bearings and hydraulic pushers
   Removal and installation of the pallet of a case
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump
   Removal and flywheel installation / driving disk
   Replacement of a back epiploon of the crankshaft
   Check of a condition and replacement of rubber pillows of support of the engine
+ V8 Engine
+ Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ System of electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transfer case
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of onboard electric equipment
+ Governing bodies and operation receptions

Condition check, removal and installation of a cover of a distributive chain, chain and its asterisks

Cover removal


  1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
  2. Remove the fan, a casing of the fan and a pulley of the water pump (The head of System of cooling, heating and air conditioning).
  3. Remove a damper of krutilny fluctuations of a cranked shaft (The section Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft).
  4. Remove the compressor of the conditioner of air and the generator and put aside, without disconnecting from them wires and hoses. Remove the arms fixed on a cover of a distributive chain.
  5. Give bolts of fastening of the pallet of a case to a cover of a distributive chain and bolts of fastening of a cover to the engine block.
  6. Separate a cover of a distributive chain from the engine. In case of need slightly обстучите it for release on perimeter a hammer with soft the brisk. Temporarily закупорьте an opening of the pallet of a case rags in avoidance hit in it of garbage and extraneous subjects.
  7. Smooth out interfaced surfaces of a cover of a chain and the engine block, having removed from them all traces of oil and a material of old laying.

Check of a condition of a distributive chain


  1. Remove from a pin of a cranked shaft a maslootrazhatel and establish into place a bolt of a damper of krutilny fluctuations. Turn for a bolt a cranked shaft so that one of the chain parties sagged.
  1. Remove from a pin of a cranked shaft a maslootrazhatel, having paid attention that it is established by the concave party from the engine, then screw into place a bolt of a damper of krutilny fluctuations.
  1. Put on the block a basic label. Shake the sagged part of a chain here and there fingers, having measured course size. The difference between two extreme situation ми makes size of a deflection of a chain. If the deflection exceeds size in 13 mm, replace a chain together with asterisks.

Removal of a distributive chain


  1. Combine distributive labels of asterisks.
  1. When the piston of the first cylinder is in situation VMT, index points on asterisks of a distributive chain (arrow) should settle down the friend opposite to the friend.
  1. Remove a persistent finger of a camshaft, a spring, a bolt of fastening of an asterisk and its washer.
  1. Remove a persistent finger with a spring (shooter), then remove a bolt in the center of an asterisk of a camshaft - insert a screw-driver into one of openings in an asterisk for keeping of the last from a provorachivaniye in the course of weakening of a bolt.
  1. Remove asterisks of cranked and distributive shaft assembled with a chain.

Do not allow a provorachivaniye of shaft after removal of a distributive chain.

  1. Removal and installation of a distributive chain is made assembled with asterisks.



  1. Track that the shponka of a cranked shaft on the former was turned up. Remember locations of a directing pin of a camshaft and a reciprocal opening in a shaft asterisk.
  1. Pay attention that on the party of an asterisk of a camshaft turned to the engine there is an opening (shooter).

... which is put on directing pin (shooter) of a shaft - at installation track opening and pin combination.

  1. Enclose asterisks in a chain, having arranged distributive labels on one line and turned outside. Establish assembly on the engine so that the line passing through labels crossed also the centers of asterisks.
  2. Establish a bolt of an asterisk of a camshaft and tighten it with demanded effort. Establish into place a persistent finger and a spring.
  3. For check of correctness of installation of a distributive chain turn a cranked shaft so that the distributive label of an asterisk of a camshaft appeared in situation on one hour. Thus the label of an asterisk of a cranked shaft in a place where the next tooth enters into gearing with a link of a chain should appear in situation at three o'clock. Between labels 15 fingers of a joint of links of a chain should find room exactly.
  1. For check of correctness of installation of assembly of a chain turn a cranked shaft clockwise so that distributive labels of asterisks of a chain appeared in provisions shown in drawing and count quantity of fingers of a joint of links the chains which are finding room between labels.
  1. Establish on a pin of a cranked shaft a maslootrazhatel, having placed it the concave party from the engine.
  2. Grease both parties of new laying of a cover of a distributive chain with RTV hermetic and put laying to the block.
  3. Before cover installation into place make sure that integral laying of the pallet of a case is not damaged and not deformed. In case of detection of defects of laying it is necessary to replace it (The section Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump). It is supposed that laying of the pallet of a case will be replaced for a guarantee of prevention of emergence of leaks (The section Removal and installation of the pallet of a case).
  4. Grease both parties of new laying of a cover and corners of the pallet of a case and the block with RTV hermetic, then establish new laying on the block. Hermetic will temporarily fix laying.

If the pallet of a case acted in film for replacement of its laying, it is necessary to establish a forward cover to the place of before pallet.

  1. Establish a cover of a distributive chain on the block.
  2. For centering of a cover of a distributive chain use a damper of krutilny fluctuations. Leave an old epiploon on a place as it can be damaged in the course of cover installation.
  1. For centering of a cover of a distributive chain in the course of its installation use a damper of krutilny fluctuations.
  1. Establish bolts of fastening of a cover to the block and the pallet to a cover and tighten them with demanded effort.
  2. Replace a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft (The section Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft).
  3. Having inserted a shponka into a pin of a cranked shaft, establish a damper of krutilny fluctuations (The section Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft).
  4. Installation of the remained components make as it should be, the return to a removal order.
  5. Start the engine and check it on leaks.