Jeep Grand Cherokee1993-1999 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Jeep Grandee Cheroki + Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars + Settings and routine maintenance - Ryadny six-cylinder engine General information The repair procedures, which performance it is possible without engine extraction from the car Reduction in the provision VMT of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders Removal, check of a condition and installation of yokes and bars of pushers Replacement of klapanny springs, their plates and maslootrazhatelny caps Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline / final collector Removal and installation of a head of cylinders Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft Condition check, removal and installation of a cover of a distributive chain, chain and its asterisks Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft, bearings and hydraulic pushers Removal and installation of the pallet of a case Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump Removal and flywheel installation / driving disk Replacement of a back epiploon of the crankshaft Check of a condition and replacement of rubber pillows of support of the engine + V8 Engine + Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine + Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning + the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases + System of electric equipment of the engine + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management + Manual box of gear shifting + Automatic transmission + Transfer case + Coupling and transmission line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + System of onboard electric equipment + Governing bodies and operation receptions |
Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump Removal
Condition check