Jeep Grandee Cheroki + Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars + Settings and routine maintenance - Ryadny six-cylinder engine General information The repair procedures, which performance it is possible without engine extraction from the car Reduction in the provision VMT of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders Removal, check of a condition and installation of yokes and bars of pushers Replacement of klapanny springs, their plates and maslootrazhatelny caps Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline / final collector Removal and installation of a head of cylinders Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft Condition check, removal and installation of a cover of a distributive chain, chain and its asterisks Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft, bearings and hydraulic pushers Removal and installation of the pallet of a case Removal, check of a condition and installation of the oil pump Removal and flywheel installation / driving disk Replacement of a back epiploon of the crankshaft Check of a condition and replacement of rubber pillows of support of the engine + V8 Engine + Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine + Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning + the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases + System of electric equipment of the engine + Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management + Manual box of gear shifting + Automatic transmission + Transfer case + Coupling and transmission line + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + System of onboard electric equipment + Governing bodies and operation receptions
Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
- Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
- To Poddomkratta a car front also establish it on props.
- Remove the filter established under a forward part of the engine (protection of a case).
- Remove driving belts (Head of Control and routine maintenance).
- Remove a radiator and the fan (ы) cooling systems (The head of System of cooling, heating and air conditioning).
- Give a fixing bolt of a damper of krutilny fluctuations and remove its washer.
For keeping of a cranked shaft from a provorachivaniye insert two bolts 5/16 * 1-1/2 (inches) into openings in a damper and jam between them the lever. Then turn a shaft so that the lever rested against a frame. |
- By means of the special tool remove a damper of krutilny fluctuations from a pin of a cranked shaft.
- For removal of a damper of krutilny fluctuations use a special stripper, such as it is shown in a picture - do not try to use a stripper with captures is will lead to damper damage.
- Smooth out and check a condition of a surface of the central nave of a damper where it contacts to a forward epiploon of a shaft. Insignificant defects can be eliminated by means of an emery paper. If in a nave the deep flute is developed, replace a damper or in a workshop of car-care center establish in a nave the special loose leaf for restoration of a contact surface.
- Having hooked an epiploon the special tool or a screw-driver, carefully take it from a cover of a distributive chain. Try not to scratch walls of a nest and not to damage a surface of a pin of a shaft.
- Take an old epiploon, having hooked it the special tool (as shown here) or a screw-driver.
- Smooth out nest walls in a cover and grease external edges of a new epiploon with pure impellent oil or universal greasing. By means of the replaceable face head which external diameter corresponds to external diameter of an epiploon carefully begin to knock an epiploon in a nest a hammer. Instead of a head the short piece of a pipe of the corresponding diameter can be used. Make sure that in the course of epiploon installation the broad spring did not jump out of it.
- Accurately begin to knock a new epiploon in a nest by means of a hammer and a replaceable face head.
- Grease a contact surface of a nave of a damper of krutilny fluctuations with pure impellent oil.
- Combine a shponochny groove of a nave of a damper with a shponka in a pin of a cranked shaft and carefully begin to knock a damper on a pin a hammer with soft the brisk.
- Establish a bolt of fastening of a damper of krutilny fluctuations and tighten it with demanded effort.
- Installation of the remained components make as it should be, the return to a removal order.
- Start the engine and check it on leaks.