Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grandee Cheroki
+ Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Ryadny six-cylinder engine
+ V8 Engine
- Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine
   General information
   Major maintenance of the engine - the general information
   Check of kompressionny pressure in cylinders
   The diagnostic checks made by means of the vacuum gage
   Methods of removal of the engine and necessary precautionary measures
   Removal and engine installation
   Options of restoration of the engine
   Order of dismantling of the engine
   Dismantling of a head of cylinders
   Cleaning and check of a condition of a head of cylinders
   Service of valves
   Assembly of a head of cylinders
   Removal of shatunno-piston assemblies
   Removal of a cranked shaft
   Cleaning of the block of the engine
   Check of a condition of the block of the engine
   Honingovaniye of cylinders
   Check of a condition of shatunno-piston assemblies
   Check of a condition of a cranked shaft
   Check of a condition of radical and shatunny bearings
   Engine assembly order after completion of its major maintenance
   Installation of a cranked shaft and check of gaps of radical bearings
   Installation of piston rings
   Installation of shatunno-piston assemblies and check of gaps in shatunny bearings
   The first start of the engine after major maintenance
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
+ System of electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transfer case
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of onboard electric equipment
+ Governing bodies and operation receptions

Major maintenance of the engine - the general information

It is not always easy to define when follows and whether it is necessary to make complete major maintenance of the engine in general. At the solution of this task it is necessary to take into consideration a set of factors.

Considerable run far not necessarily is a sign of need of carrying out major maintenance and on the contrary, small run at all is not a guarantee of a good condition of the engine. Probably, the most important factor here is frequency of performance of procedures of routine maintenance of the car. The engine on which change of oil and the oil filter were regularly and often made, it is equal as other procedures on leaving were honestly carried out, with big degree of probability will smoothly serve many and many thousands kilometers. At neglect carrying out major maintenance of the engine can already be demanded by performance of procedures of routine maintenance later absolutely insignificant time.

The excessive consumption of impellent oil usually is a sign of need of paying of attention to a condition of piston rings, maslootrazhatelny caps and/or directing plugs of valves. Before coming to conclusion about a bad condition of these components make sure that losses of oil occur not owing to its leaks. To help scoping of the works which performance is required during carrying out major maintenance of the engine carrying out check of kompressionny pressure (The section Check of kompressionny pressure will help with cylinders).


  1. Believe pressure of oil, having established instead of the pressure sensor a manometer and compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. If pressure is not enough, it speaks about probably taking place wear of bearings and/or the oil pump.
  1. Remove the block of the sensor of pressure of oil (shooter)...

... also connect instead of it a manometer for measurement of pressure of oil - it is shown the ryadny 6 cylinder engine, the pressure sensor on V8 engines is located on the top part of the block, behind the inlet pipeline.

Capacity loss, unstable operation of the engine, excessive noise of the klapanny mechanism and the increased fuel consumption can be signs of need of carrying out major maintenance of the engine, in particular if they are present all at the same time. If complete setup of the engine does not help to correct a situation, carrying out the general mechanical works on restoration of internal components of the engine is required.

Performance of major maintenance of the engine means recovery of its operational characteristics to spetsifikatsionny values of the new unit. During major maintenance replacement of piston rings and restoration of mirrors of cylinders (a pro-point and a honingovaniye) are usually made. If the pro-point of cylinders is made in a car-care center workshop, also pistons of the repair size usually are at the same time established. Replacement of radical and shatunny bearings, and also camshaft bearings is also usually made. The pro-point and restoration of necks of a cranked shaft can be in case of need made. The full complex of service of the klapanny mechanism which components by the time of need of carrying out major maintenance of the engine seldom are in a satisfactory condition is usually carried out.

At the same time with carrying out major maintenance of the engine can be restored and other components, such as the distributor, a starter and the generator. As a result of the carried-out complex of works the restored engine should receive characteristics new and smoothly serve still many thousands kilometers of run.

During carrying out major maintenance of the engine replacement of such critical components of system of cooling, as hoses, driving belts, the thermostat and the water pump is WITHOUT FAIL made also. Many repair trucks do not give any guarantees for the work if professional cleaning, check of a condition and radiator repair previously were not made. The radiator should be carefully checked on existence of signs of leaks and blocking of internal channels (The head of System of cooling, heating and air conditioning). In the absence of confidence of diagnostics of malfunctions of a radiator replace it. It is not recommended to make major maintenance of the oil pump - establish on the restored engine the new pump.

Before starting major maintenance of the engine attentively familiarize with the description of procedures demanding performance and try to imagine nature of the forthcoming work clearly. Performance of major maintenance of the engine should not cause special difficulties, under conditions of accurate following to instructions, existence of the necessary tool and careful observance of requirements of Specifications, however demands patience and certain expenses of time. It is necessary to plan refusal of using the car for term at least in two weeks, in particular if any of components it is necessary to send for repair or restoration in a car-care center workshop. Make sure available all necessary spare parts and take care of preliminary rent or acquisition of the special tool and the equipment.

The most part of works can is made by means of the ordinary metalwork tool though for determination of the validity to the further use of some details use of the exact measuring equipment is necessary. Examination of a condition of separate elements can be made at car repair shop where you receive the corresponding recommendations about their replacement.

Before solving what part of works it is necessary to charge for performance to specialists of automobile repair shop make complete dismantling of the engine and all its components (especially it concerns the engine block) and carefully check their condition. As the condition of the block is the main criterion of definition of, whether it is necessary to make major maintenance of the old engine or it is simpler to replace it new or restored, never start acquisition of spare parts and do not carry out stanochny processing any of components until the block condition will be carefully investigated. Carrying out major maintenance of the engine usually demands expenses in the main time therefore it is not necessary to try to save on installation of non-standard or poor-quality components.

In summary it is necessary to notice that to achieve the maximum term of trouble-free service of the restored engine, its assembly after carrying out major maintenance should be made in irreproachably pure conditions.