Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grandee Cheroki
+ Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Ryadny six-cylinder engine
+ V8 Engine
+ Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
- Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
   General information
   Procedure of dumping of pressure of fuel
   Check of pressure of fuel and functioning of the fuel pump
   Removal and installation of a fuel tank
   Cleaning and repair of a fuel tank - the general information
   Repair and replacement of fuel lines
   Removal and installation of the fuel pump
   Check of serviceability and replacement of the block of the fuel level sensor
   Removal and installation of assembly of an air purifier
   Replacement of a cable of gas
   System of injection of fuel - the general information
   Check of serviceability of system of injection of fuel
   Serviceability check, removal and installation of the case of a throttle
   Check of serviceability and replacement of a regulator of pressure of fuel
   Serviceability check, removal and installation of injectors of fuel
   Check of functioning and replacement of components of system of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC)
   Service of system of production of the fulfilled gases - the general information
+ System of electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transfer case
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of onboard electric equipment
+ Governing bodies and operation receptions

Check of functioning and replacement of components of system of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC)

Management of turns of idling is made by means of the valve of additional air (IAC). The valve provides change of volume of the air submitted to the inlet pipeline around. Operation of the valve the module of management of RSM taking into account changes of the current operating conditions of the engine (turning on switching off of the conditioner of air and system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel, temperature of the engine and other conditions) operates.


The Chrysler firm recommends to use the special diagnostic device which is switched on consistently between the IAC motor and the electric socket of a plait of wires for system check. There are some ways of check of functioning of IAC system strengths of the amateur mechanic, however they are very limited and yield a certain result only in case of identification of stable refusals.


  1. Disunite the electric socket of the IAC valve and attentively listen to changes of turns of idling of the engine. Again connect the socket, turn on the conditioner of air and again listen to changes of turns. At the cold engine the IAC motor to change idling turns, forcing them to fluctuate in process of engine warming up, the same concerns also a case of turning on of the conditioner of air. In the absence of obvious signs of functioning of the IAC motor continue check.
  2. By means of the voltmeter check tension on the IAC motor - measure tension on a feeding half of the socket of the motor. At the working engine tension should be present. At change of turns of the engine from top to down (or on the contrary) tension should fluctuate between values in 2.0 and 6.0 V.Rezultaty of this check is rather difficult to interpret in view of dependence them from changes of operating conditions of the engine.
  1. Measure tension on a brown-white wire (plug B) and a yellow-red wire socket (plug A) at the included ignition (a key in the situation ON, the engine does not work) (the engine in volume of 5.2 l is shown).
  1. If tension is absent, make diagnostics of malfunctions of an electric contour of IAC in a workshop of dealer office or car repair shop.
  2. If the processor provides tension giving on the IAC motor, make sure that the motor does not jam or did not fail. Remove the motor and, having left it connected, turn the ignition key in the situation ON (without starting the engine). If the plunzher is involved, start the engine and make sure of a vydviganiye of a plunzher for the purpose of compensation of increase of turns of idling. It is required to stop up a niche in the throttle case under IAC motor installation.

If the pin is put forward, the engine should be disconnected before it leaves more than on 6,3 mm. Not implementation of this requirement is fraught with failure of the IAC motor and need of its replacement. In a type of the last remark it will be reasonable to use at performance of this check by the help of the assistant into which task the povorachivaniye at the command of the ignition key will enter.

  1. Take IAC regulator from the throttle case, without disuniting its electric socket. Make sure that the plunzher moves at first at ignition inclusion (a key in the situation ON), and then at engine start.



  1. Disunite the electric socket of the IAC valve.
  2. Give fixing screws and remove the IAC valve from the inlet pipeline.
  1. Give screws of fastening of the IAC valve (the engine in volume of 5.2 l).
  1. Screws of fastening of the IAC valve (engine in volume of 4.0 l).
  1. Installation make upside-down. Do not forget to replace a sealing ring.