Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grandee Cheroki
+ Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Ryadny six-cylinder engine
+ V8 Engine
+ Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
- Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
   General information
   Procedure of dumping of pressure of fuel
   Check of pressure of fuel and functioning of the fuel pump
   Removal and installation of a fuel tank
   Cleaning and repair of a fuel tank - the general information
   Repair and replacement of fuel lines
   Removal and installation of the fuel pump
   Check of serviceability and replacement of the block of the fuel level sensor
   Removal and installation of assembly of an air purifier
   Replacement of a cable of gas
   System of injection of fuel - the general information
   Check of serviceability of system of injection of fuel
   Serviceability check, removal and installation of the case of a throttle
   Check of serviceability and replacement of a regulator of pressure of fuel
   Serviceability check, removal and installation of injectors of fuel
   Check of functioning and replacement of components of system of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC)
   Service of system of production of the fulfilled gases - the general information
+ System of electric equipment of the engine
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transfer case
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of onboard electric equipment
+ Governing bodies and operation receptions

Repair and replacement of fuel lines

See the prevention at the beginning of the Section Procedure of dumping of pressure of fuel.

Always before the beginning of works dump pressure in a power supply system (The section Procedure of dumping of pressure of fuel).

Lines of giving and return of fuel and isparitelny lines pass between a fuel tank and an impellent compartment of the car. Lines fasten to the car bottom by means of clips and screw assemblies and from time to time should be checked on existence of traces of leaks, excesses and deformations.

If it is available obvious signs of pollution of a power supply system or the fuel filter, lines should be disconnected and blown. Check the mesh filter of the block of the sensor of a measuring instrument of fuel on existence of signs of aging of a material and damages.

Steel tubes

If there is a need for replacement of fuel lines or lines of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases, use only replaceable sections with Chrysler marking (or equivalent to them on a design and a material).

Do not try to change at all steel tubes copper or aluminum. These materials do not provide sufficient durability for keeping of the vibrating loadings arising in a course of normal operation of the car.

As the fuel lines used in systems of injection of fuel constantly are under pressure, their design should satisfy to the special conditions connected with this factor.

Some of lines are equipped carving type with the shtutserny connections equipped with sealing rings. Each time weakening of shtutserny connections during repair and service and repair of components observe the following requirements:

  • For easing and a tightening of shtutserny connections use a set from two wrenches.
  • Check all sealing rings on existence of cuts, cracks and signs of aging of a material. In case of detection of defects change rings.
  • If there is a need for replacement of fuel lines, try to use only firm replaceable components or the components which design meets the requirements of a standard of the firm.

Flexible hoses

As replaceable components use only firm hoses or equivalent to them on a design and material type. Non-compliance with this requirement is fraught with an exit of hoses out of operation as a result of elevated pressure influence in system.

Do not lay flexible hoses at distance closer than 100 mm from components of system of production of the fulfilled gases and 250 mm from the catalytic converter are closer. Metal lines and flexible hoses should not adjoin to elements of a frame of the car. The minimum gap providing implementation of this requirement makes 6,5 mm.

Removal and installation


  1. Dump pressure in a power supply system.
  2. Remove all fixture fixing lines on a body of the car.
  3. There are various methods of undocking of shtutserny connections of fuel lines (depending on their design). Having carried out this undocking, carefully remove lines from chassis elements.

Service of shtutserny connections of the fast joining equipped with a plastic ring is not made in an individual order. Do not try to make line repair in case of failure of connection of this kind - replace it assembled.

  1. For undocking of the shtutserny connections equipped with a plastic ring press a tube in connection and compress a ring of the plastic holder.
  1. For undocking of shtutserny connections of yazychkovy type press lock uvulas to the line and pull for the last.
  1. Installation make upside-down. Do not forget to replace sealing rings in connections of carving type (if those are used).


In case of damage of the fuel line (metal or flexible) it is necessary to replace defective section with a firm replaceable element. Installation of replaceable components of other type it is fraught with their exit out of operation as a result of elevated pressure influence in system.