General information
The structure of electric equipment of the engine includes all components of systems of ignition, start and a charge. In a type of that on the functional purpose these components belong to directly ensuring functioning of the engine, they are considered separately from components of electric equipment of the chassis, such as lighting devices, monitors, etc. to which Head System of onboard electric equipment is devoted.
At work with electric equipment always it is necessary to observe certain security measures:
- Be careful - electrodevices especially easily fail at maloperation with them during check, connection and service.
- Do not leave ignition for a long time included at the switched-off engine.
- Never disconnect wires from the battery at the working engine.
- At connection of wires from the auxiliary power supply at emergency start of the engine observe polarity.
- Always disconnect a negative wire from the battery the first and connect the last in order to avoid short circuit at a casual contact the tool during time отдавания / tightenings of a clip of the plug.