Jeep Grand Cherokee

1993-1999 of release

Repair and car operation

Jeep Grandee Cheroki
+ Jeep Grand Cherokee brand Cars
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Ryadny six-cylinder engine
+ V8 Engine
+ Procedures of the general and major maintenance of the engine
+ Systems of cooling, heating and air conditioning
+ the Power supply system and production of the fulfilled gases
- System of electric equipment of the engine
   General information
   Engine start from an auxiliary source
   Check of a condition and replacement of wires of the battery
   Removal and battery installation
   Ignition system - the general information
   Check of serviceability of functioning of system of ignition
   Check of serviceability and replacement of the coil of ignition
   Check of serviceability and replacement of the sensor of provision of a camshaft
   Removal and distributor installation
   Charge system - the general information and precautionary measures
   Check of serviceability of functioning of system of a charge
   Removal and generator installation
   Start system
   Diagnostics of malfunctions of a starter without its removal from the car
   Removal and starter installation
   Removal and installation of the traction relay (engines in volume of 4.0 l)
+ Systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases and engine management
+ Manual box of gear shifting
+ Automatic transmission
+ Transfer case
+ Coupling and transmission line
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ System of onboard electric equipment
+ Governing bodies and operation receptions

Charge system - the general information and precautionary measures

The structure of system of a charge includes the generator, a control lamp of a charge, the battery, the module of management (RSM), a fusible safety insert and connecting wires between components. The system of a charge provides with power supply ignition system, lighting devices, a radio tape recorder and other electric equipment of the car. Rotation of the generator is carried out established in a forward part of the engine by a driving belt.

Subsystem in generator management in target parameters in structure. RSM provides correction of level of tension developed by the generator according to concrete requirements (operating conditions) of the engine. Thereby decrease in load of the engine is carried out at change of parameters of movement, speed of the car, cooler and condition temperatures (incl. / off) electric equipments (the air conditioner, lighting devices, a radio tape recorder, etc.).

Problem of a regulator of tension is restriction of tension developed by the generator in certain limits that gives the chance to avoid overloads of contours caused by power surges.

The charge system usually does not demand regular service. However, it is worth to remember about need of check of a condition of a driving belt of the generator, the battery and electric contacts according to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car (Head of Control and routine maintenance).

In default the generator it is necessary to replace it with the uniform block. The same concerns also the block of a regulator of tension if it is placed in RSM.

The control lamp on an instrument guard should light up at ignition key turn in the situation ON, and after implementation of start of the engine immediately to die away. If the lamp remains lit, in system of a charge there is a malfunction (The section Check of serviceability of functioning of system of a charge). Some of cars are equipped also with the voltmeter. If indications of the voltmeter are excessively high, check a condition of system of a charge (The section Check of serviceability of functioning of system of a charge).

At check of a condition of contacts of electroconducting of contours of system of a charge on the cars equipped with the generator of an alternating current it is necessary to be careful:

  • At connection to the generator of wires from the battery watch for polarity observance.
  • Before applying to repair work electroarc welding disconnect wires from the generator and the battery.
  • At all do not start the engine during a battery charging.
  • Before the beginning of a charging of the battery always disconnect from it wires.
  • Rotation of the generator is carried out by a driving belt hit under which hands, hair and clothes at the working engine is fraught with receiving serious traumas - be attentive.
  • In view of that the generator is connected directly to the battery, its overload or short circuit can become the reason of emergence of an electric arch and lead to a fire.
  • Before the beginning of carrying out steam cleaning of the engine wrap the generator in a plastic bag, которы1 fix rubber bandages.
  • At all do not disconnect the battery at the working engine.